
We regularly have colleagues from a range of professions attend our clinics to observe the way we assess and manage our patients.

Many ask if we can advise appropriate training programmes and we believe there is a demand for well structured courses which will allow us to share the techniques we have refined over the last 30 years.

As part of our planning we have developed a short questionnaire and would be most grateful if you could complete the form by using the link below:

Premier Podiatry Biomechanics Training Questionnaire


If you are interested in receiving further information about this training and the courses we are developing, please sign up to our mail list.

Subscribe to our biomechanics training mailing list

* indicates required

Foot Surgery

We provide surgical management for a wide range of foot conditions including detailed assessment and post operative care.


Podiatric biomechanics involves the assessment of the structure, alignment and function of the feet and legs.

Interactive Self Diagnosis

Use our online interactive self diagnosis tool to pinpoint your exact ailment and receive support and advice on your condition.