Gary Boon FRCPodS

Gary Boon has been practising as a podiatrist for over 30 years. Since qualifying he has worked in London and Sheffield as a community podiatrist.

He undertook a surgical fellowship in 1990, with the world renowned podiatric surgeon Dr Lowell Scott-Weil. This fellowship in Chicago, USA, instilled the desire to undertake surgical training as a podiatric surgeon. This he achieved at Homerton Hospital London in 2001.

Since then he has worked in the public and private sectors and established 2 new podiatric surgery services in Rotherham and Huddersfield. He has held Consultant positions in Lincolnshire, Rotherham and Huddersfield.

He is experienced in professional sport having worked for numerous premiership and championship football clubs, most recently Chelsea FC.

He is currently employed as a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon for Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust and Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust .


  • Year of qualification: 1983
  • Surgical Qualification: 2001
  • Health & Care professions Council professions Registration number: CH9405

Current Posts:

Consultant Podiatric Surgeon,The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

Areas of specialty:

Foot surgery, sports injuries, biomechanics and gait analysis, orthoses.

Professional affiliations: 

  • Fellow of the Faculty of Podiatric Surgery, the Royal College of Podiatry

Additional information:

Continued professional development is extremely important to Gary, who attends many conferences and training programs here in the UK, Europe and the USA. This helps him remain at the cutting edge of his profession especially in surgery and biomechanics.

Foot Surgery

We provide surgical management for a wide range of foot conditions including detailed assessment and post operative care.


Podiatric biomechanics involves the assessment of the structure, alignment and function of the feet and legs.

Interactive Self Diagnosis

Use our online interactive self diagnosis tool to pinpoint your exact ailment and receive support and advice on your condition.